Better Communication, Better Love: Sharpening Your Listening Skills

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Did you know that better communication can lead you and your spouse to better love? In this four-article series, we’re breaking down some of the most important ways you two can improve your communication skills. We’ll start by talking about how to sharpen your listening skills – a must in every successful marriage. You’ve likely heard that, to be a better listener, you should: Listen to respond, not to react. Avoid interrupting your spouse while they’re speaking. Try not to spend so much energy formulating a response that you miss what they’re saying. Engage in active listening, in which you…

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I’m Married, But I Want To Stay Friends With My Ex. What Should I Do?

By Marriage 2 Comments

Most married couples dated other people before they met one another. Sometimes, exes remain friends, and other times, they lose touch, only to reconnect down the road. Regardless of the scenario, if you’re married, should you keep or rekindle a friendship with an ex? If you’re unsure whether this friendship is the right move for your marriage, then you’re probably feeling ambivalent about the possibility. There are some important factors to consider before jumping right in. Let’s talk through some questions you can ask yourself to make the best decision for you and your spouse. Are Old Feelings Being Stirred…

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Why Your Individual Health Can Make Your Marriage Happier

By Marriage, Self Reflection No Comments

Did you know that focusing on your individual health can make your marriage happier? We like to say that your relationships are only as healthy as you are–and that includes your marriage. But how does becoming a healthier person have such a profound influence on your relationship? There are so many reasons to focus on your own wellbeing, and we’re not just talking about physical health. Instead, we also mean your psychological, emotional, and spiritual health. When you care for all areas of your health combined, it pays dividends not just for you, but for the people you love most….

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How to Love One Another Well Through All Seasons and Stages of Life

By Marriage One Comment

Life is unpredictable, and we don’t always know what’s around the corner. Although we all try to plan our lives and marriages, hoping things will work out as we envision, life’s seasons and stages don’t always meet our expectations. In spite of this, when we marry, we promise to love and care for each other through it all. Loving one another well should extend through all life’s ups and downs, no matter what happens. Things may not always go according to plan, but when you build your marriage on a solid foundation of steadfast love, facing the unexpected becomes much…

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8 Fresh Valentine’s Day Date Ideas to Reignite Your Spark

By Intimacy, Marriage No Comments

Valentine’s Day is all about focusing on one another and celebrating the love you share. It’s also a great opportunity to reignite the spark in your marriage. However you decide to celebrate, choose ways that are unique to you and your relationship. In this article, we’ve rounded up some Valentine’s date suggestions to get you talking about and planning this holiday. Ready for the ideas? Let’s jump in. Valentine’s Date Night In Planning a “date night in” this Valentine’s Day? Here are a few ideas to get your creativity flowing. 1. Have a movie night to rewatch the first film…

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It’s the Little Things: How Small Gestures Can Pay Big Dividends in Your Marriage

By Marriage No Comments

Do you and your spouse do little things to show each other you care? Seemingly small gestures can pay big dividends in your marriage. That’s because it’s so much easier to build consistency through daily habits that communicate affection. Grand gestures might be photo-worthy, but they’re also fewer and further between. It’s easy to assume that little gestures might get lost in the mix of day-to-day hustle. But the fact is that your spouse notices both the presence and the absence of these seemingly insignificant acts. Little things really do add up, so let’s talk about why. Consistency and Reliability…

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What Every Married Couple Should Know About Expectations and Boundaries

By Marriage 2 Comments

How do expectations and boundaries affect marriage? We often hear these terms used in regard to relationships, but what do they really mean? In a nutshell, expectations are the spoken and unspoken assumptions you make about how something should be, or how someone should behave. Boundaries can be put in place to maintain expectations or respond to behaviors. Let’s dig a little deeper into each of these. Expectations Your expectations, and your spouse’s, can have a profound impact on your marriage. Expectations reveal our hopes for what our lives and relationships will look like. They also tell us so much…

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Responsive vs. Reactive: What’s the Difference, and Why Does It Matter in Marriage?

By Communication, Conflict 2 Comments

How you and your spouse interact with one another largely determines the health of your marriage. Whether you’re resolving conflict or simply engaging in regular communication, it’s so important for the two of you to pay close attention to how you affect each other. Knowing your effect on your spouse starts with being self-aware. In communication, your self-awareness can help you understand whether you’re often more responsive or reactive when you communicate. Responding well to your spouse, rather than reacting to them, can make all the difference in your daily interactions, and especially during conflict resolution. In this article, we’re…

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6 Ways to Make More Time For One Another in Your Busy Schedule

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The busy holiday season is over; now it’s time to get back to your regular busy routine. Now is the perfect time to revisit your time boundaries and make more time for one another. That’s because even though we often spend the holidays unplugged from our usual routines, we still fill our time with celebrations, events, and family obligations. By the time January arrives, many of us are starting the new year exhausted and overwhelmed. What if you didn’t have to go back to the familiar status quo? What if you used the beginning of this year as an opportunity…

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New Year’s Roundup: Ringing in a Brand New Year Together

By Marriage, Self Reflection No Comments

The New Year is a great time to revisit personal and relationship goals and objectives. How did last year go for you and your spouse? Did you achieve shared goals together, or are you still working towards something important? Are the two of you starting the year on a high note, or hoping to heal or repair your relationship? Whatever the season looks like for you, we’ve gathered some of our strongest resources on how to best use this brand new year for a fresh start. Let’s jump in. Conduct a year in review together. Looking back on the previous…

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