


Help! My Spouse is a Know-It-All. What Can I Do About It?

By Marriage, Relationships No Comments

So let’s say your spouse acts like a “know-it-all” in certain situations. What can you do about it? When you’re married to someone for a long time, certain parts of their personality can feel challenging. We all have imperfections and traits that may clash with others. Some of those traits make social interactions more difficult than they should be. If your spouse tends to behave like a know-it-all, you have probably felt this discomfort. You can’t change your spouse’s behavior, but there are some things you can do to encourage improvement. One of the greatest gifts of marriage is that…

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4 Ways to Inject More Humor Into Your Marriage

By Relationships No Comments

If you’re serious about having a great marriage, then you need more humor. As the old adage goes, “laughter is the best medicine.” Humor is one of the greatest connectors in all relationships. But that’s especially true when it comes to nurturing your marriage. While building a happy marriage is absolutely a serious matter, you can’t create lifelong love without a healthy dose of humor. It’s important to be playful and have fun together. Laughing with your spouse can lighten a tense moment or simply help you feel closer. Whether you’re navigating a difficult season or defusing an argument, humor…

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How to Stay Focused on Experiences and Relationships During the Holidays

By Relationships No Comments

Giving and receiving gifts is a highlight of the holiday season. But sometimes, worries about material items, gift budgets, and possessions can distract us from the true meaning of the holidays. Choosing to refocus on experience and relationships can renew your perspective of the holidays and make this time of year so much more meaningful. If you want to focus on your loved ones and the memories you’ll create with them this year, you’re in the right place. We’ve gathered some tips and ideas to help you and your spouse get started. Let’s take a look. Focus on Connections With…

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My Spouse’s Friends Make Me Feel Bad About Myself. How Do I Handle It?

By Conflict, Relationships 3 Comments

Do your spouse’s friends make you feel bad about yourself? It’s incredibly painful when your spouse’s friends belittle, make fun of you, or otherwise treat you in a way that makes you feel inferior. Not only is it wrong of them; it hurts when your spouse doesn’t seem to notice how you’re feeling. So how are you supposed to handle this situation? Friendship dynamics that make you feel badly about yourself must be addressed between you and your spouse. If this situation is left to fester unresolved, it will continue to erode your self-worth. Ultimately, it will negatively impact your…

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Should We Live Together Before We Get Married?

Should We Live Together Before We Get Married?

By Engagement, Relationships 9 Comments

Thinking about moving in with your significant other before you tie the knot? Many dating or engaged couples question whether they should live together before marriage. While cohabitation might seem practical on the surface, research suggests that it’s actually not as good for your relationship as you think. Before you make this life-changing decision, it’s important to think about the potential outcomes. Take a Look at the Science There’s a longstanding moral debate about whether cohabitation is healthy. Rather than leaning into that side of the argument, we’ll take a science-backed approach. Researchers Scott Stanley and Galena Rhoades from the…

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I Want to Get Married, But My Significant Other Isn't Ready. What Do I Do?

I Want to Get Married, But My Significant Other Isn’t Ready. What Do I Do?

By Relationships 2 Comments

Let’s say you’ve been dating someone for a while now, and you’re ready to start talking about marriage. You love this person and can envision spending the rest of your life with them. But what do you do if your significant other isn’t ready to talk about marriage–or, worse, doesn’t want to get married at all? If the person you’re dating isn’t ready for marriage yet… If your significant other isn’t ready for marriage yet, then it’s important to respect where they stand. Maybe they’ve expressed that they want a marriage in the future, but they have their reasons for…

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Emotional Health in Marriage: What You Need to Know

By Relationships, Self Reflection No Comments

If you and your spouse want to be healthy individuals in a thriving marriage, you’ll need to pay close attention to your emotional health. Along with spiritual and psychological wellbeing, your emotional health can greatly impact your marriage. In fact, these aspects of your health can affect all your relationships, for better or worse. Spiritual, psychological, and emotional health combined are attributes that help us feel a sense of significance and individual completeness. They also help us nurture selfless attitudes and happier, healthier relationships. Essentially, if you neglect to become healthy and whole on your own, you’ll spin your wheels…

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How to Navigate Personality Clashes with Your Spouse and Kids

How to Navigate Personality Clashes with Your Spouse and Kids

By Relationships 6 Comments

When we marry, we aren’t always fully aware of every nuance and facet of our spouse’s personality. As we get to know one another, we learn more about what makes them tick–and what aspects of their personality might clash with ours over time. It’s a normal part of living and sharing intimacy with another human being. The same holds true for your children. We may not realize it, but it’s very possible that our children’s personalities could clash with ours. That’s not normally something that a hopeful or new parent is prepared for, but it’s a reality in many families….

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My Spouse Has Opposite-Sex Friends. Should I Be Worried?

By Marriage, Relationships 16 Comments

Throughout our lives, we’ll have friends who are of both the same and opposite gender. This is a natural part of life. For some individuals, though, the thought of their spouse having close, opposite-sex friends can be a bit unnerving. Does this sound familiar to you? It’s true that there are occasions when opposite-sex friendships are not appropriate in tandem with your marriage. In general, friendships come and go throughout our lives. But the question about your spouse’s opposite-sex friendship might not be so much about gender itself, but more about whether you and your marriage are being honored. Just…

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5 Ways to Celebrate Christmas Gratefully

By Marriage, Relationships, Self Reflection No Comments

Gratitude is a spirit that’s front and center for many people during the Christmas season. However, this time of year can also be hectic. In the midst of the holiday bustle, it can be easy to lose sight of what we’re thankful for. As we approach this year’s Christmas celebration, we’ve listed five ways you can celebrate with thankfulness in your heart. We hope these ideas inspire you! 1. Embrace childlike wonder. There’s truly magic and wonder in the Christmas season when we take time to embrace childlike joy. So often, adults “grow out” of experiencing true gratitude during Christmas…

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