

Angry Outbursts: How Do I Respond?

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How do I respond to my husband’s angry outbursts? He swears, yells, and becomes destructive. No one deserves to put up with anger like that from a spouse–be it husband or wife. It’s lethal to your marriage, and toxic to you and your family. A home environment like you’re describing is only going to escalate in intensity and severity unless you’re able to set some boundaries and get help. Sure, everyone has times when they lose touch with reality, let their emotions get the better of them, and fly off the handle. But when a situation moves from a one-time…

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How to Mother if You Grew Up Motherless

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I never had a mother. How will this affect my little girl? If you grew up in a home with a single father, and no mother, you have the unique experience of being fathered. When you’re raised by a single parent, you’re exposed to every facet of that parent’s personality and being…but you still felt the void of the parent who was missing from the picture. In today’s video, we’re talking about ways to approach parenting if you grew up without a mom, and are unsure how to mother now that you have children of your own. While many single…

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Building an Intimate Marriage: Fun

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Marriage takes a lot of hard work, and the work pays off. There are days that are full and busy and stressful, so it’s always a good idea to be intentional about adding in the fun. We’re guessing when you first met your spouse, you had a ton of fun together: romantic dates, adventures, lots of laughing. How can we keep the fun alive during years 1, 5, 30, and 50? An intimate marriage isn’t just built in the serious conversations and the physical affection. It’s built in the fun, too. Here are some simple ideas to add some fun…

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Don’t Tell Your Wife She Doesn’t Cook Like Your Momma

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The newlywed years are a blissful, wonderful time for your marriage. You’re on a high from getting married, honeymooning, dreaming, and building your new life together. At some point, that high will begin to dissipate as you ease into the rhythm of everyday life. When you’re in blissful ignorance of one another’s shortcomings, you’re not wasting time on lobbing criticism at each other. Everything the other person does is beautiful, and you make it a point to show gratitude for one another for the most seemingly mundane things…that is, until the mundane takes over, and you become critical. Tripping Over…

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Clarifying Content: How to Stop Reading Your Spouse’s Mind

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I feel that I listen to my wife, but sometimes I seem to miss what she is saying. Help! It can be too easy to find yourself in the middle of a disagreement with your spouse over something one of you did or didn’t say. Sometimes, we might think we’re listening to our husband or wife, but perhaps we’re not really getting the message. We humans are quick to mis-hear, jump to conclusions, or assume we know what the other person is saying–when maybe, we really don’t. There is a huge potential for misunderstanding, especially when it comes to the…

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Extreme Husband: Protecting His Personality and Well-being

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My husband is an adrenaline junkie. How do I get him to slow down without quenching his personality? So your spouse is addicted to adrenaline–something that research has proven to be a biological tendency in some people. You might be uncomfortable with your spouse’s propensity for high-speed, risky activities. But it’s important to understand that you’re probably never going to change his or her basic need for speed and risk-taking. We all have different energy levels, and different activities and experiences that excite us. These preferences–needs, even–are built into the very fabric of our being. You want to respect who…

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The Big Question: Helping My Husband Balance Work and Home

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How do I give my hard-working husband support while still keeping him involved in daily activities? These days, it’s a challenge for hard-working spouses to balance all aspects of life comfortably. We’re all busy and pulled in many different directions on any given day. With jobs and outside activities tugging us this way and that, struggling to stay involved at home can take a huge toll on marriages and families. As a wife, you’re sincerely invested in helping your husband to stay involved in the everyday details of home life, and you’re looking for ways to strike that healthy balance…

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Tips for Upping Emotional Intimacy

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You and your spouse have a good marriage–great, even–but you’re ready to take it to the next level. Maybe you’re physically intimate, but you want more of that intimacy to extend to your emotional life. In today’s post, we’re sharing five tips for increasing the emotional intimacy in your relationship. Each of these tips builds on the next to help you create the deep, fulfilling connection you’re craving. Nurture Trust In order for your marriage to be as emotionally intimate as possible, you and your spouse must be able to trust one another implicitly. This means that both of you…

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Too Busy to Clean and Cook – But My Spouse Says No Outside Help

By Communication, Conflict, Time, Uncategorized One Comment

Is it alright that I don’t do our own housework? My husband doesn’t like it. Today’s busy culture has changed a lot about what life and work looks like. Full-time jobs now look very different than they used to, and both men and women are often stretched to their limit. So what do you do if you want to hire a little extra help around the house–and your husband or wife is totally against the idea? It’s difficult to approach your spouse and acknowledge a personal limitation. And it’s even tougher when your spouse thinks that your limitation is a…

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Sharing Spirituality: Tips for Creating a Consistent Devotional Time Together

By In-laws & Family, Scripture, Self Reflection, Time, Uncategorized No Comments

How can we have a consistent and meaningful devotional time together? Remember when you were dating? It seemed like it was so easy for the two of you to share a special devotional time together. The two of you were eager to spend time together in the Word, and you promised yourselves that you would always continue that ritual. But something’s different now. Since you got married, it’s hard for you to engage in shared prayer and study time. Maybe the demands of daily life have interfered with your ability to coordinate with one another. Or maybe devotional time just…

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