No. To ensure accurate results each of you will need to complete the assessment on your own without discussing it.
How do we take the assessment?
Any couple can take the SYMBIS Assessment – but you’ll need a Certified SYMBIS Facilitator. Why? Because they are trained in debriefing your personalized 15-page report with you. To find a Facilitator, in your community enter your zip code in our Facilitator Search.
How long does it take to complete the assessment?
Approximately 30 minutes.
Do I need to answer all the questions in one sitting?
This is optimal. You get better results if you don’t take breaks between questions. However, if you have to take a break and continue later, your progress is saved along the way.
Why do we need to have a facilitator?
The SYMBIS Report is incredibly powerful and robust. For this reason, a certified Facilitator is required to help you understand and apply all of the valuable information it contains.
Can we take the assessment if we’re not engaged yet?
Absolutely. If your relationship is getting serious, it’s never too soon to begin the process of exploring your potential future together.
Can we take the assessment if we’re already married?
Sure. While the SYMBIS Assessment is primarily designed for engaged and newlywed couples, many married couples at various stages find the results to be extremely helpful.
What if this is not the first marriage for one of us?
The SYMBIS Assessment will generate a customized report, adding information specific to your circumstances. In fact, a section of your report will be dedicated to issues such as second marriages and blending a family.
Do we have to use the Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts book?
Nope. The book is an option that can create an optimal experience but it is not required.
How much does the assessment cost?
Some counselors include the assessment as part of their counseling fees. Some will have you purchase the assessment on your own. It retails for $35 per couple and with the new edition of Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, you can receive a discount code when you purchase the book.
Ok, I finished the assessment. Now what?
As soon as both of you complete the SYMBIS Assessment, your Facilitator will be notified and then contact you to schedule your sessions.
Is the SYMBIS Assessment based on research?
Absolutely. This is critical. Every aspect of this assessment is grounded in multiple studies to ensure that the tool is both reliable and valid.
How do I contact you?
We’d love to hear from you for any reason. The most expedient way to connect is at:
How does the SYMBIS Assessment work?
We love this question! So much so that we produced a 20-minute video demo to give you a complete and detailed overview. In it, you’ll learn about the process of becoming a certified SYMBIS Facilitator along with a detailed review of the SYMBIS Report. View the video demo now!
Is the SYMBIS Assessment based on research?
Absolutely. This is critical. Every aspect of this assessment is grounded in multiple studies to ensure that the tool is both reliable and valid. As you go through your training to be certified as a SYMBIS Facilitator, you’ll be exposed to a myriad of studies that are the underpinnings of the SYMBIS Assessment. And a quick perusal of the reference list attached to this Facilitator Training Guide will prove helpful in this regard as well.
From a counseling perspective, what does the SYMBIS Assessment do?
In short, the SYMBIS Assessment does two things for couples: 1) flags and lowers their risk factors, and 2) optimizes their combined strengths as a couple. It does this by assessing everything from psychological wellbeing to revealing how their combined personalities can be leveraged for optimal success. The SYMBIS Assessment is robust, personalized, and powerful.
What does the SYMBIS Assessment do for a facilitator?
It ensures that your work is highly effective – for you and for the couples in your care. It helps you structure your time and your sessions for optimal success. It helps you draw couples out because the SYMBIS Assessment, in addition to being a diagnostic tool, is an incredible discussion starter. As a certified SYMBIS Facilitator you also have access to your own SYMBIS online dashboard for organizing your work with couples. You’ll find this to be highly intuitive and effective.
What's on my SYMBIS Assessment dashboard?
Whether you use the SYMBIS Assessment with a couple every few months or you use it with couples every week, your online dashboard will become extremely helpful to you. It will allow you to review couple’s reports as soon as they each complete them. It will also allow you to give them access to their results when you are ready.
Who can become a certified SYMBIS Facilitator?
Anyone who is working with or ministering to couples on the front end of marriage will benefit from becoming certified as a SYMBIS Facilitator. This includes counselors and therapists as well as ministers and mentors.
What's involved in becoming a SYMBIS Facilitator?
The training is done online – at a time and place of your choosing. It takes approximately three hours and the pace is whatever you choose. You can do it all at once or spread it out. As you progress by watching each training session online you will have the opportunity to answer a few questions along the way for proof of knowledge. We also provide you with a code as part of your training so that you may take the assessment yourself. Once complete, you’ll receive a certificate as a SYMBIS Facilitator suitable for framing. You can then begin using SYMBIS with couples immediately.
If working as a couple, do both become a SYMBIS Facilitator?
Yes. If you are working as a husband-and-wife team, either as co-counselors or marriage mentors, you’ll both need to complete the training to become certified as SYMBIS Facilitators. Oh, and it won’t cost more to do this. Simply use the same account and go through the training together. You’ll then share the same Facilitator Dashboard once you complete your training.
Can only SYMBIS Facilitators use the SYMBIS Assessment?
Yes. To maintain quality of care with the couples that receive SYMBIS Assessment Reports, they must be done in relationship with a certified SYMBIS Facilitator. And everyone who uses SYMBIS as a Facilitator must receive training.
What couples will benefit most from using the SYMBIS Assessment?
SYMBIS is for couples at any age or stage. In fact, the assessment questions automatically adjust for the couple’s relationship status, as will their report. So use the SYMBIS assessment with pre-engaged, already engaged, or married couples. The assessment also knows if a previous marriage is relevant or blending a family is part of their context, SYMBIS adjusts accordingly. There’s no need for selecting different “versions” of the assessment. We do that for you. Couples may be young or older. Faith-based or not. They may be from different cultural or ethnic backgrounds. They may be cohabiting. Whatever a couple’s circumstance, SYMBIS will “know” who they are as they answer preliminary questions and it will customize the report accordingly.
What is SYMBIS+?
While SYMBIS was originally created for engaged couples, it soon became evident that our Facilitators wanted to use it with couples of any age or stage. And now they can. When you invite a married couple to take SYMBIS, the assessment and corresponding report automatically become SYMBIS+ which is perfectly tailored to married couples. The SYMBIS+ report also has two additional report pages to deepen the experience for a married couple. Best of all, it’s fully automatic. Just invite a couple and we take care of customizing everything for them and you.
Can SYMBIS Assessment be used in a group or class of couples?
Of course. While it certainly works well with one couple in counseling or coaching sessions, it’s also designed to work great with groups of couples. You’ll find a special section in the Training Manual especially for this.
How many sessions are needed with SYMBIS Assessment?
That is up to you. While we will make suggestions in the Facilitator Training Guide, we do not prescribe a precise number of sessions. That’s up to you. In short, the typical number of pre-marriage sessions for most counselors, ministers, chaplains, or mentors who use SYMBIS is between 5 to 8 sessions, some prefer to use SYMBIS in an intensive and elongated single session and some prefer to use it over the course of 10 sessions or more. In addition to being used in a traditional office setting or classroom with a group, it is can be used in a retreat or seminar setting as well.
Who pays for the SYMBIS Assessment?
You can have couples pay directly for the SYMBIS Assessment online or you can purchase codes to provide to couples as you work with them. That way you can build the cost of SYMBIS into your work with them. Either way works. It’s up to you.
What does the SYMBIS Assessment do for a couple?
Every couple who receives and reviews their own SYMBIS Report with a certified Facilitator will enjoy a highly personalized experience that opens up dozens of compelling insights and countless conversations to help them grow as a individuals and as a couple.
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