


Help! How Do We Prioritize Our Marriage As New Parents?

By Parenting, Time No Comments

During certain seasons of marriage, it’s more challenging to prioritize your relationship over other demands. This is especially true when you have babies or small children. When parenting requires the majority of your time, what are some ways you and your spouse can prioritize your marriage? Keep Open Communication Alive Communication is crucial in every season of marriage, and it’s especially important now. Even if you don’t have a lot of time for long conversations in this season, make as much time to communicate as you can. There’s no other way to clearly let your spouse know what you need,…

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6 Ways to Make More Time For One Another in Your Busy Schedule

By Time No Comments

The busy holiday season is over; now it’s time to get back to your regular busy routine. Now is the perfect time to revisit your time boundaries and make more time for one another. That’s because even though we often spend the holidays unplugged from our usual routines, we still fill our time with celebrations, events, and family obligations. By the time January arrives, many of us are starting the new year exhausted and overwhelmed. What if you didn’t have to go back to the familiar status quo? What if you used the beginning of this year as an opportunity…

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3 Ways to Avoid Burnout and Exhaustion This Holiday Season

By Time One Comment

The holidays are a wonderful time of year, but they can also be a source of burnout and exhaustion. When the holidays feel stressful, they eventually become difficult to enjoy. If you and your spouse have been feeling burned out around the holidays, it’s time to start reducing stress so you can enjoy the celebrations together again. In this post, we’re sharing three important ways to avoid burnout and over-commitment during the holidays. If you’re ready to gather some important tips to help you take back your joy this year, keep reading. 1. Make your holiday plans as far ahead…

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Dreaming vs. Planning: Which Should You Focus On?

Dreaming vs. Planning: Which Should You Focus On?

By Marriage, Time One Comment

When it comes to the future, there are many ways to approach it. Planning for the future can help us create a safety net and expectations for how life will unfold. On the other hand, dreaming gives us insight into the possibilities of the future. Planning and dreaming appear to have the same end goals, but they’re vastly different. People who tend to be dreamers can quickly build resentment against planners, and vice versa. That’s particularly true when they can’t work harmoniously on their desire to experience a satisfying future. So when it comes to dreaming vs. planning, which is…

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Help! I Feel Neglected By My Spouse

By Marriage, Time One Comment

Do you need more attention from your spouse? It’s incredibly discouraging to feel unappreciated or neglected by your partner. Maybe you’ve brought the issue up to your spouse in the past, but nothing has changed. What should you do in that situation? Consider What’s Behind Your Spouse’s Actions (or Inaction) Some seasons of marriage can make you and your spouse feel further apart than you used to. Maybe you’re raising small children together. Your spouse may be having a difficult time at work. One of you, or a family member, may be experiencing chronic illness. Whatever the case, outside circumstances…

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My Spouse and I Work Together. How Do We Separate Business From Life?

By Careers, Time 4 Comments

Do you and your spouse work together? How can you separate business from your personal life? Maybe you’re both employed by the same company. You might even work in the same office space. Or, perhaps you own or operate a business together. Whatever that looks like, building a healthy work-life balance is essential. It’s not unusual for married couples to work together. And, it’s common for couples like you to struggle a bit with separating business from home. We should know; we work together, too! There are a few simple changes you can make to the way you communicate that…

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My Spouse Says I Work Too Much, But I Have to Provide. How Do I Respond?

My Spouse Says I Work Too Much, But I Have to Provide. How Do I Respond?

By Careers, Time No Comments

Are you married to your job? This is a common issue in many marriages. Maybe one spouse owns a business that consumes them, or their 9-5 job is so demanding that they might as well live there. Still, you have to continue providing for your family, so you keep pushing forward. Does this sound like you? Workaholism can cause your spouse to feel sidelined, at best. As you devote most of your time to work, they’re forced to pick up your slack at home. And if you previously spent a lot of time together, they likely resent the current situation….

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How to Show Love in a Busy Marriage

By Marriage, Time No Comments

It’s no secret that life can be hectic and fast-paced. As you each rush from one obligation to another, it can become more and more difficult to pause and show love to one another in the ways you both need. In the midst of the daily grind, it’s easy to become short or impatient with your spouse. Rushing through life can lead not only to impatience, but outright unkindness with one another. You might not mean to be unkind, but it can happen out of frustration if you aren’t careful. So how do the two of you stay loving while…

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Couple enjoying summer recreational activities

Recreation Roundup: How to Make Time and Memories Together This Summer

By Recreation, Time No Comments

Looking for ways to enjoy recreation and shared activities with your spouse this summer? We can help. In this post, we’ve gathered some of our best resources on recreation and shared time to help inspire you throughout the summer months and beyond. Ready to learn more? Let’s jump into it. 1. Seek Adventure Together It’s easy to make memories together when you’re seeking adventure as a couple. What adventure looks like to you will vary from season to season. For example, newlyweds on a budget might enjoy a quick weekend getaway to a local tourist attraction or national park. Parents…

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5 Ways to Focus on Rest and Rejuvenation With Your Spouse

By Marriage, Time One Comment

Life is hectic, with so many challenges and daily distractions to keep us busy and exhausted. Many of us struggle to find time for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Does this sound familiar to you? When you have careers, a marriage, a family, and outside obligations, it’s easy to let your needs fall by the wayside. Oftentimes, sleep and self-care are the first things to go when you’re overwhelmed. But in order to live life to its fullest, you and your spouse both need to know how to make more time for rest so you can refresh yourselves on a regular…

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