

4 Ways to Save Your Time Together in the New Year

By Marriage, Time 3 Comments

It’s a brand new year, and for many of us, this is a time to take a look at our goals and desires for the coming months. For some couples, this might mean finding ways to spend more quality time together. Does that sound like you? Spending time with your spouse is essential to nurturing and deepening intimacy and connection. If you and your spouse are hoping to save your time together in the New Year, there are some simple things you can do to get started. Let’s jump right in. 1. Sync your schedules. As much as you can,…

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How You and Your Spouse Can Avoid Holiday Overwhelm Together

By Time 2 Comments

The holidays are here, and if you’re like many other couples, you and your spouse may be feeling a bit overwhelmed already. After all, this time of year gets incredibly busy. There are gifts to buy, meals to prepare, family to visit, and a host of other obligations on your to-do list. If you’re more apprehensive than excited about the weeks to come, you might need to take a fresh approach to celebrating this year. Luckily, you and your spouse are a team. You can work together to avoid holiday overwhelm and make this a season to remember. Read on…

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5 Reasons to Enjoy More Meals With Your Spouse

By Marriage, Time No Comments

When it comes to nurturing a happy, healthy, lifelong marriage, spending time with one another must be a non-negotiable priority. In the absence of dedicated time, marriages suffer and families drift apart. One way to encourage more togetherness between spouses and among families is to enjoy more meals with one another. Meal time equals together time. And in a time-starved world, it’s crucial to take hold of every opportunity to spend that valuable time together. While it’s all too easy for the busyness of life to take over, there are many reasons why dedicating more time to meals is a…

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7 Ways to Renew Joy in Your Marriage

By Intimacy, Marriage, Recreation, Relationships, Time 2 Comments

Daily life is hectic, and it’s a little too easy to forget to live joyfully in the midst of busyness. In marriage as in the rest of life, cultivating joy is essential. Sometimes it takes a little extra effort to make sure we’re giving time and effort to joy. If you’re looking for ways to renew joy in your own marriage, we’ve gathered some quick tips on how to do so. Read on to find out how! 1. Be intimate. When we’re busy and stressed, intimacy is often one of the first things we push to the side. Instead of…

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How to Keep Dreaming with Your Spouse in an Uncertain Time

By Intimacy, Marriage, Relationships, Time One Comment

Dreams can help anchor you when other things in your world are out of control. If you and your spouse are navigating an uncertain time right now, then it’s crucial to keep dreaming together, no matter what’s happening in the world around you. Wondering how to stay focused on your dreams when you’re living through chaos or uncertainty? Read on. 1. Revisit old activities, pastimes, or talents you’ve abandoned. Often, we let go of talents and passions that make us happy because life gets in the way. Reigniting your love of a specific pastime, talent, or activity could help to…

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How to Make Memories Together in a Time of Upheaval

By Marriage, Relationships, Time 5 Comments

During at time of upheaval, our lives feel very out of control. It’s very easy to get bogged down by the uncertainty, negativity, and anxiety associated with difficult times–whether economic, health-related, or otherwise. That’s why it’s so important to intentionally make memories together during the hard times. It seems counterintuitive, but working to make happy memories helps you and your spouse find positive things to focus on. Rather than feeling deprived of happy times, you have the power to create them yourself. This can be pivotal for couples and families who are feeling the stress of a difficult time. Today,…

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5 Reasons You’re Losing Time in Your Marriage

By Marriage, Relationships, Time One Comment

During this season of uncertainty in our world, many couples have unexpectedly found themselves with a lot of time to be at home together. This period of self-quarantine and social distancing we’re experiencing right now will likely stand in stark contrast to the craziness of our status quo. It’s no secret that most of the time, many married couples struggle to make enough time for each other. When you’re dating and first falling in love, you spend as much time together as you possibly can. But once you’re married and settled, life takes over, and before you know it, you’re…

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3 Valentine’s Date Ideas to Bring You and Your Spouse Closer

By Marriage, Relationships, Time One Comment

Valentine’s Day is just a few days away. Have you and your spouse made date night plans yet? There are many great options for Valentine’s dates, but this year we want to focus on a few specific ideas that will help you focus on your love and admiration for one another. Let’s dive right in. 1. Dance together There’s more to dancing than meets the eye, and dancing with your spouse can reignite your spark on multiple levels. You don’t have to go to a ballroom dancing class or public place to let a dance work its magic, either. All…

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Simple Tips for Making Your Next Date Night Unforgettable

By Marriage, Relationships, Time 8 Comments

Date nights are incredibly important for every marriage. While the days of being a newlywed are often focused on love and romance, life eventually takes over and edges out the time for connecting with your spouse one-on-one. Every couple needs to set aside some time to spend alone together, just focusing on their marriage. Having fun, rekindling romance, and sharing some cherished activities on a date night is a wonderful way to nurture your relationship. Let’s look at six ways you can make your next date night unforgettable! 1. Make it an event. We want you to savor your date…

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6 Tips for a Restful Christmas with Your Spouse

By Marriage, Relationships, Time 5 Comments

The holiday season is a time of year that demands reflection, but it’s also a time when life can feel incredibly stressful. If you want to rest, reflect, and rejuvenate during the holidays, you’ll have to be very intentional about doing so. Today, we want to share some tips for making this Christmas season restful for yourselves and your family. 1. Protect your boundaries. During the holidays, it’s easy to slip into a people-pleasing mode to keep everyone happy. The problem is, that can drain your energy and make you feel stressed and frazzled rather than reflective and joyful. If…

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