Recreation Roundup: How to Make Time and Memories Together This Summer

Couple enjoying summer recreational activities

Looking for ways to enjoy recreation and shared activities with your spouse this summer? We can help. In this post, we’ve gathered some of our best resources on recreation and shared time to help inspire you throughout the summer months and beyond.

Ready to learn more? Let’s jump into it.

1. Seek Adventure Together

It’s easy to make memories together when you’re seeking adventure as a couple. What adventure looks like to you will vary from season to season. For example, newlyweds on a budget might enjoy a quick weekend getaway to a local tourist attraction or national park. Parents with babies or small children may frame adventure in terms of lowkey or family-friendly outings close to home.

Whether you’re going on a long vacation or hanging around home, there are plenty of adventures to be had if you’re ready to discover them. Read more about the benefits of adventure in your relationship here.

2. Plan Unforgettable Summertime Dates

Dating during the summertime brings with it all sorts of variety. There are so many activities you can enjoy when the weather is warm, both indoors and outdoors. With some research and planning, you can go on some incredible dates together.

Summertime dates can involve your favorite shared recreational activities, or they can be quiet and relaxing. Either way, you’re in for some important bonding when you set time aside to date. We share some tips for making your next date night unforgettable here.

3. Enjoy Delicious Meals

Whether you cook or eat at your favorite outdoor space, enjoying a great meal can fit right in with recreational activities. Maybe you want to grill out at home or while camping. You might share dinner at a classy indoor-outdoor venue. Or, you might take a picnic lunch to your favorite park.

Whatever works for the two of you, taking time out of your schedule to enjoy delicious meals together is a great way to make time and memories together this summer. Read more here about why you and your spouse should be enjoying more meals together.

4. Focus on Joy

Staying focused on the joy that recreational activities bring can help you and your spouse decide what adventures to pursue this summer. What makes you both happy? Are there activities or outings you can embark on that spark joy? How can you share that joy together?

Renewing joy in your marriage on a regular basis can help you stay connected and keep the intimacy alive. It keeps negativity at bay and encourages closeness. If you want to know more about how to tap into that joy, you can read more here.

5. Share Activities, Both New and Reliable

Revisiting some of your favorite recreational activities can help you both feel nostalgic and grounded. It’s nice to have go-to, reliable destinations you can revisit again and again. By the same token, try something new. You never know what new or unique shared activities you might end up enjoying together. Even better, spending this time together can boost your intimacy (you can read more about that here.)

If you’re looking for new insights into one another this summer, we recommend taking the Better Love Assessment. It’s great for couples at any stage, and it’s a fun, easy way to get closer to each other. Learn more here.

Do you have plans to get closer this summer? Share with us in the comments.

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