
How Can I Help My Spouse Break A Bad Habit?

By Marriage One Comment

So your spouse has a bad habit. Can you help them break it? Well, it’s possible to help, but the answer isn’t exactly straightforward – and it might surprise you. You can’t force your spouse’s change, but it’s possible to support it. If you’re wondering what you can do to help your spouse break an unhealthy habit, read on. Realize That Your Spouse Must Want Change However you feel about this habit, it’s not enough for your spouse to make changes just for you. They must desire change for themselves. Their motivation to change must come from within – not…

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Help! My Marriage is Boring. What Do I Do?

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Nobody expects to feel bored in their marriage, but sometimes it happens. And the problem is more common than you might think. Boredom sneaks up on us. By the time we realize what’s going on, we’re feeling like we’ve lost the energy and the spark in our marriage. We find ourselves wondering when we stopped having fun together, and when we stopped looking forward to spending time with one another. You might be feeling embarrassed to admit that you’re feeling bored. But if you start to pay attention to how you feel, then you can also work to find solutions….

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Engagement Roundup: What You Need to Know Before the Wedding

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Are you engaged or hoping to be engaged soon? Planning your wedding is one of the most important seasons of your life, but there’s more to prepare for than the ceremony itself. Today, we’re sharing some fresh resources to help you along your way, all in one place. We believe you can never have too many trusted resources while you prepare for your wedding – and the life you’ll build together in the years to come. Marriage is a wonderful and exciting journey. It takes knowledge, preparation, and a willingness to grow together in order to achieve lifelong love. Ready…

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Do We Really Need Pre-Marriage Counseling?

By Engagement One Comment

If you’re engaged (or planning to get engaged in the future), it’s important to make sure that pre-marriage counseling is on your radar. While pre-marriage counseling isn’t necessarily required, we don’t believe any couple should skip this important step. Going to counseling before you marry can help you get to know one another on a deeper level—and possibly prevent certain problems before they arise. Before we go any further, yes; we highly recommend pre-marriage counseling. Now, let’s go over a few reasons why. A Trusted Counselor Offers Objective Feedback It’s so important to have a source of objective feedback, especially…

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My Fiancé and I Have Family Problems. Should We Elope?

By Engagement, In-laws & Family No Comments

Family problems are common for many individuals. If you don’t have issues in your immediate family, you likely have extended family members with their own problems. When a couple brings two families together for a wedding, it’s possible that some of those issues could surface. If the two of you are facing potentially significant family problems surrounding your wedding, you might have discussed eloping instead of having a ceremony. After all, avoiding family complications would give you the much-needed peace you desire. Eloping could allow you and your fiancé to truly focus on one another, rather than any drama that…

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Help! My Future Mother-In-Law is Trying to Take Over My Wedding

By Engagement, In-laws & Family One Comment

It’s almost wedding season, and many engaged couples all over the world are getting ready for their big day. Your world has likely been engulfed by flowers, cakes, dresses, and catering menus. Engagement is an exciting time, but like all seasons, it has its ups and downs. Wedding planning should be an enjoyable experience for engaged couples, but often, it’s stressful and intense instead. It’s disheartening to experience family drama before you’ve even said, “I do.” So how do you respond to them in a loving way? Should you entertain their suggestions, change your wedding plans to fit their wishes,…

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Marriage: How Much Does It Really Matter?

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In today’s society, it’s not unusual to feel skeptical about the institution of marriage. That’s especially true if you grew up in a family where divorce was common. It can be easy to question the necessity of marriage, especially if you feel fearful of it. If you’re dating or engaged, maybe your significant other wants to tie the knot – and maybe you aren’t quite ready for that step. You might find yourself questioning how necessary it is to get married. If that sounds familiar, we’re here to help. Marriage Has Depth, Beauty, and Sacredness It’s difficult to describe the…

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Better Communication, Better Love: Forgiveness and Conflict Resolution

By Communication, Conflict One Comment

Forgiveness and conflict resolution are crucial components of good communication. That’s true not only in marriage, but across all your relationships. To build a happy marriage with true, lifelong love, you’ll need to be able to not only solve conflicts that arise; you’ll also need to be willing to forgive one another. In this final part of our four-part series on better communication, we’re focusing on how to lovingly resolve conflict and forgive often. Ready to learn more? Let’s jump into it. Listen With Empathy When working through a conflict, it’s important to listen to one another with empathy. Understanding…

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Better Communication, Better Love: Saying “I Love You” Without Words

By Communication, Intimacy One Comment

When it comes to communication in marriage, nonverbal communication is just as important as the words you say to one another. In some cases, nonverbal communication might even say more! The old adage is, “Actions speak louder than words,” for a reason. The words we say make up only a small percentage of what our spouse believes we’re saying to them. Developing great nonverbal communication skills is critical for showing love to your spouse in a way they can understand. Bare-minimum human decency won’t cut it here; you must be intentional with your nonverbals. So what are some ways you…

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Better Communication, Better Love: Speaking the Truth in Love

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When emotions are running high, it can be challenging to communicate with your spouse in a calm way. Sometimes, it can even feel difficult to speak lovingly. We’re at a higher risk of being harsh with one another when we’re angry, upset, or trying to make a point. Last week, we kicked off our Better Communication, Better Love article series by talking about becoming a better listener. But listening well is just one part of the equation. We must also be able to speak the truth in love at all times, especially when we’re resolving a conflict. You and your…

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