
emotion Archives - SYMBIS Assessment

Intimacy Roundup: Keeping the Spark Alive in the Bedroom (Part 1)

By Intimacy No Comments

Intimacy is both an important and multifaceted part of marriage. It’s important to nurture your intimacy on many levels: physical, emotional, and even spiritual. As our relationships progress, life throws curveballs our way, and sometimes it can be challenging to stay as close as we once were. In this two-part series, we’re highlighting some of our most valuable articles all about intimacy. These resources will help you to navigate a variety of situations in your marriage. When you stay focused on nurturing your intimacy, you’re much more likely to keep that spark alive. Let’s take a look at some of…

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Help! We Want More Emotional Intimacy in Our Marriage

Help! We Want More Emotional Intimacy in Our Marriage

By Intimacy, Marriage 2 Comments

Are you craving more emotional intimacy in your marriage? Emotional intimacy comes from the sense that you and your spouse truly know one another at the deepest level. You understand each other’s fears and both feel safe enough to be completely vulnerable. And the more you can let down your guard with one another, the greater intimacy you share. Maybe you feel like you and your spouse are lacking the level of emotional intimacy you ultimately want for your relationship. One of both of you might be struggling with vulnerability. Or, maybe you don’t feel as close as you used…

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Emotional Health in Marriage: What You Need to Know

By Relationships, Self Reflection No Comments

If you and your spouse want to be healthy individuals in a thriving marriage, you’ll need to pay close attention to your emotional health. Along with spiritual and psychological wellbeing, your emotional health can greatly impact your marriage. In fact, these aspects of your health can affect all your relationships, for better or worse. Spiritual, psychological, and emotional health combined are attributes that help us feel a sense of significance and individual completeness. They also help us nurture selfless attitudes and happier, healthier relationships. Essentially, if you neglect to become healthy and whole on your own, you’ll spin your wheels…

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Is It Okay to Take a Break During a Fight?

By Conflict 3 Comments

The idea of resolving a disagreement or ending a fight as quickly as possible is a popular one, particularly in marriage. But what if the fight lasts a long time? Is it okay to take a break when that happens, or do you have to push through? When you’re in the midst of an argument with your spouse, it feels highly uncomfortable. It’s natural that you’d want to resolve the disagreement and get back to normal as soon as you can. But sometimes, it takes longer than you’d expect to resolve a challenging issue. And sometimes, that means you’ll need…

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3 Strategies For Successfully Managing Anger in Marriage

By Conflict 2 Comments

Marriage typically tends to produce more anger than other relationships. Perhaps this is because spending so much time with another person naturally generates more opportunities to become angry. We also put down our guard with our spouse — the person we love most. While being vulnerable and unguarded allows for greater intimacy, it also opens the door to more anger and frustration. Although every married couple will experience anger toward one another, it should still be kept in check. After all, how we manage our emotions directly affects our relationships, particularly the closest ones. Add disappointment, unmet expectations, and other…

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Emotional Safety in Marriage: Why Does it Matter?

By Intimacy, Marriage 2 Comments

Emotional safety is a critical component of any fulfilling marriage. In order for spouses to be able to be truly vulnerable, open, and honest with one another, emotional safety must exist in the relationship. If a couple does not deliberately make emotional safety a part of their relationship, it will become difficult to overcome obstacles and grow closer to one another over time. In short, emotional safety allows us to fully be ourselves, and it’s required if we want to experience all the blessings marriage has to offer. There are several factors that are needed in an emotionally safe marriage,…

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5 Ways Fear Sabotages Emotional Health

By Self Reflection No Comments

In order to become emotionally healthy, we have to root out and face the things we’re afraid of. Many of the things we’re chronically afraid of are not obvious, so it’s our job to be honest with ourselves as we begin to uncover them. The hidden fears that hurt our relationships with ourselves and our loved ones are often tied to goals and dreams we’d love to pursue. And when we don’t pursue what we love, it hurts our authenticity, consequently, our relationships. Let’s take a look at 5 ways fear sabotages our emotional health–and how to overcome it. 1….

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3 Reasons Why It’s Time to Take Control of Your Emotional Health

By Marriage, Relationships, Self Reflection One Comment

Our emotional, psychological, and spiritual health influences every person we come into contact with–especially our spouse. Strong relationships are dependent upon our ability to feel truly significant, complete, and selfless as individuals. We all have the power to take control of our emotional health–and, in turn, our relationships. There are many things you can do to nurture your health in these areas, and investing that time and effort in yourself will pay dividends not only now, but in the future as well. Here are three reasons why it’s time to take control of your emotional, psychological, and spiritual health. 1….

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The Importance of Emotional Self-Awareness

By Communication, Self Reflection 10 Comments

Controlling one’s emotions is not easy, but it can be done! Self-awareness is the ability to pull back and recognize the feeling you are having. When you have an emotional response and are able to bring it into your awareness, the chances of handling it appropriately improve. You can’t expect your awareness to magically appear, you need to will your awareness. The key is to decide with intention to be objective about your feelings. If you are not aware of your feelings and how to handle them, chances are you may be engulfed, suppressed, or resigned. Today, we are discussing…

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3 Ways to Overcome Emotional Distance in Your Marriage

By Communication, Conflict, Self Reflection, Time 27 Comments

Lately, you feel like you just can’t connect with your spouse. Maybe he’s not listening to you, or maybe she’s lost interest in activities you used to enjoy together. You might fight a lot—or avoid communicating to minimize conflict. Perhaps you feel like the kids have monopolized your or your spouse’s time to the point that you aren’t getting quality time together anymore. Whatever the case, lately, you’re feeling more and more disappointed in your relationship with your spouse. You’re lonely and discontent, and you’re wondering whether the two of you might be happier apart, rather than staying married and…

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