5 Ways To Support Your Spouse’s Dreams

By Careers, Communication, Conflict, Scripture, Self Reflection 18 Comments

The Bible says when two marry, they become one flesh (Mark 10:8). Though that reference is often interpreted to be speaking of sex, it is talking about so much more. Marriage is the joining of two lives, of soul and of flesh. It is committing “until death do us part” to each other’s thoughts and dreams, joys and sufferings, hopes and fears. It is a forever support system, and if you commit to staying married, an ever-evolving life. One of the greatest gifts that God can give us is the opportunity to chase our dreams. If you’re married to a…

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Affair-Proofing Your Marriage: Filling Emotional Gaps

By Communication, Conflict, Self Reflection, Time No Comments

What is the most important thing I can do to protect my marriage against an affair? We don’t always anticipate asking ourselves this question, but often, once we’re married, we find ourselves becoming fearful of an extramarital affair. It’s not something we should take lightly; after all, statistics for infidelity and divorce have been very high for a long time. If you’re doubting your ability to keep your commitment to your spouse (or your spouse’s ability to stay committed to you), it’s time to evaluate what’s behind your fears. Do you have areas of your life where your emotional needs…

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4 Ways Worry Can Devastate Your Marriage

By Careers, Communication, Conflict, In-laws & Family, Self Reflection, Time 13 Comments

It’s easy to get bogged down by worry, but it’s essential to resist the pull. Worrying prevents you from living life fully, and from truly experiencing the richness of your relationships–especially your marriage. In Matthew 6:27, Jesus asks, “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Worry occupies your mind, but it accomplishes nothing. It steals your time and misdirects your focus. It borrows trouble, creating all manner of worst-case scenarios in your mind that will probably never come to be. At its very worst, worry can turn you into a destructive person before…

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Recovering from the Disease to Please

By Communication, Conflict, In-laws & Family, Self Reflection No Comments

Is there anything I can learn to make myself less sensitive? Women tend to be incredibly sensitive to criticism. This is a fantastic quality when applied to the appropriate situations, but when it transforms into a “disease to please,” it can become destructive (to you and the people you love!). So many women we come across feel fulfilled when the things they do and say receive affirmation. They love to please the people they love. But on the flipside, they’re completely crushed when they receive criticism from a loved one. Today, Leslie discusses how to shift your perspective if you’re…

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Let Your Wife Be Your Wife. Let Your Mom Be Your Mom.

By Communication, Conflict, In-laws & Family 24 Comments

Getting married is wonderful, but newlywed life can be a tricky business, especially when it comes to unpacking the expectations husbands and wives have for one another from day one. Often, husbands and wives don’t really know what they’ve signed up for. When expectations collide with reality, things can get messy. Today, we’ll talk about one of the most common comparisons, and the unrealistic expectations that come with it: husbands comparing their wives to their mothers. One of the most inflammatory things a husband can say to his wife is, “That’s not how Mom did it.” Let’s look into some…

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When Debt Controls Your Marriage

By Careers, Communication, Conflict, Self Reflection No Comments

My Wife and I Don’t Know How to Tell Ourselves ‘No’ and Are in $20,000 Debt. What Do We Do Now? When you and your spouse have dug yourselves into a lot of debt, it can make you feel pretty hopeless. Interestingly, that oppressive feeling can cause you to spin into even more bad choices, continuing the pattern that got you into debt in the first place. It’s a common, but dangerous, belief to think, “If I can’t get out of this debt, why try?” But that’s not the solution. And the good news is, you’re not alone! In today’s…

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Dealing with a Spouse’s Depression

By Communication, Conflict, In-laws & Family, Self Reflection 41 Comments

Imagine that your spouse has had a sudden personality change. Maybe he is usually an upbeat person who loves to interact with people, and suddenly he is acting cynical and avoiding people (including you). Or perhaps your normally energetic wife is becoming increasingly lethargic and sad, spending more and more time in the bed or on the couch. One thing’s for sure: they’re acting completely out of character, and you can’t seem to get through to them. At first, you feel angry. They’re saying things they normally wouldn’t say–things that disturb or upset you–and you can’t seem to help brighten…

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Tips for Building Your Spouse Up

By Communication, Conflict, In-laws & Family, Self Reflection One Comment

How can I increase my spouse’s self-esteem? At some point in our lives, we all deal with issues regarding our self-esteem. Couples can be a great source of strength for one another when it comes to boosting a sense of self-respect in both individuals. You are the #1 person in the world who can help your spouse become happier and more confident. In today’s video, we’ll share some ways you can start working to help your spouse build a healthy sense of self-esteem. Since you’re married to your spouse, and you share a home and life together, you’re in the…

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He’s Not The Man I Married

By Communication, Conflict, Self Reflection, Time 17 Comments

It’s said that there is one constant in life, and that’s change. Every day is a new day, and with each passing month and year your life will look different from the last. Some change is bad, but likely most of it can be viewed as good. It’s all about perspective and what you choose to highlight and build into. Think about yourself one year ago from this time–then five, maybe even ten. Think about your spouse the same way. Likely, if you have been married for any length of time, you’re not the same person you were back then….

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How to Overcome Loneliness in Marriage

By Communication, Conflict, In-laws & Family, Self Reflection, Time 4 Comments

Why do I sometimes feel lonely in my marriage? So you’re a newlywed, married to your soul mate. Life is looking perfect–and then you feel something you weren’t expecting to feel again. Ever. You feel lonely. How did this happen? While you and your spouse were engaged, you dreamed of all the ways you would fulfill each other’s every need. You promised each other (and yourselves) that you’d never feel lonely again. This loneliness has you in a panic; how could this happen? We often see couples, especially newlyweds, who are struggling with feeling lonely in their marriages. This may…

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