Intimacy Roundup: Keeping the Spark Alive in the Bedroom (Part 2)


Looking to deepen your intimacy with your spouse? Ready to reinvigorate your sex life? If you want to keep intimacy alive, you have to nurture it – not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually, too.

Last week in part one, we shared some of our top resources for cultivating intimacy in the bedroom and beyond. In this article, we’re sharing additional tips and support for you. Read on for more guidance and ideas to help strengthen your marriage and keep the spark alive.

1. 5 Tips for Igniting More Romance in Your Marriage

Romance is an essential part of marital intimacy. It’s an element that connects us during our dating relationships, so it makes sense to keep romance alive long after we say our vows. Still, sometimes we need a fresh perspective after spending years together.

Ready to ignite more romance in your marriage? We’ve shared a collection of tips in this article to help get you started.

2. Intimacy Goals Every Married Couple Should Set

Whenever there’s an intimacy deficit in a marriage, couples are at a higher risk of conflict. That’s because intimacy deficits create a ripple effect in your relationship, impacting every interaction you have. When you don’t feel as close to your spouse as you once did, challenges may naturally arise.

If you want to stabilize your relationship and lower your chances of clashing, it’s important to mindfully nurture intimacy. You can do this by setting goals that represent what you want your level of intimacy to look like. You can read more about intimacy goals here.

3. 3 Ways to Reignite Your Sex Life for More Intimacy and Fun

Keeping your sex life alive can lead you and your spouse to more fun and intimacy. With gratitude and joy at the forefront of your time together, you’re raising your chances of lifelong love. While it’s common for intimacy to ebb and flow during certain seasons of your marriage, you can always bring things back to equilibrium together.

Want to read more about bringing more joy into the bedroom? We’ve written all about it here.

4. Strengthening the Intimacy in Your Marriage

Have you decided to make your marriage stronger than ever? Focus on strengthening the intimacy you share. While there are many components of a happy marriage, intimacy is one that’s incredibly important–and should keep our attention as much as possible.

Ready to read more about how to build stronger, lasting intimacy that stands the test of time? You can read more in this article.

Do You Know How to Maximize Your Love Styles?

Did you know that we all have our own unique love styles? Even better, you can learn and use those love styles to deepen your relationship and cultivate more intimacy. In our book, L.O.V.E., you can discover your love style and put it to work in your marriage. So, are you a Leader, Optimist, Validator, or Evaluator? Find out here.

How do you and your spouse prioritize intimacy in your marriage? Think you’ll put any of the ideas from this series into practice? Let us know in the comments below.

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