5 Ways to Transform Your Marriage Through Gratitude

By Marriage, Relationships 2 Comments

Thanksgiving is almost here, and it’s the perfect time of year to reflect on what we’re thankful for. This season is always a wonderful reminder that gratitude is transformational, and it can take your marriage through an incredible metamorphosis when you practice it. Cultivating gratitude not only makes you stronger as a person, it makes you stronger as a couple. It strengthens your family and teaches your children to begin practicing the habit of gratitude early in their own lives. Let’s look at five ways you and your spouse can practice gratitude in your marriage all year long. 1. Keep…

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What to Do When You and Your Spouse Have Experienced Shared Trauma

By Communication, Marriage, Relationships, Self Reflection 4 Comments

We often hear stories from couples where one spouse is struggling to recover after a prolonged trauma or a traumatic event, and their partner needs advice on how to help them through it. Sometimes, though, both husband and wife are dealing with trauma, and they don’t know how best to support each other. Perhaps you shared a traumatic experience like a health emergency, a car accident, or the loss of a loved one. It may have been an event that happened relatively quickly, or it could have been a sustained crisis that went on for an extended period of time….

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6 Tips for Connecting When Silence Sets In

By Communication, Marriage, Relationships, Self Reflection No Comments

It’s no exaggeration that non-talkers feel it’s painful to speak when there’s an issue at hand. They silently cry out: “Don’t touch me! Leave me alone.” It’s likely these quiet partners have had their hearts kicked across the floor in the past, and when it comes time to work out issues in their current relationship, it’s easier to clam up and vow to never open up again. They become the silent partner. Yet, deep inside silent partners know that their time for healing will come. If you are a silent partner, or are in a relationship with one, there are…

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3 Core Truths for Successful Communication

By Communication 10 Comments

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs. – Ephesians 4:29 The happiest of couples don’t rely solely on communication rules, their secret lies in understanding that good communication is built first on who you are – and only later on what you do. Simply put, successful communication starts with good personal qualities. You can read articles and books, attend workshops, and see counselors who will teach you about communication skills. But if you fail to focus on the qualities you possess as a…

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What to Do When Your Spouse’s Family Doesn’t Bond

By In-laws & Family, Marriage, Relationships 4 Comments

If you come from a family that is connected and has traditions, it can be tough to walk into a new family that doesn’t share this special bond. Marriage brings on both the better and the worse, and marrying into a family who doesn’t get along, or lacks a bond, may be a tough road you have to face together. When you’ve had warm and wonderful memories growing up, it’s hard to accept that not all families are this way. And with the Holiday’s quickly approaching, it’ll likely bring out feelings of hurt more so than other times. This week,…

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Five Ways to Encourage Your Spouse to Be Empathetic

By Communication, Marriage, Relationships 5 Comments

It’s no secret that empathy takes work. It’s all too common in relationships for spouses to feel a lack of empathy from each other. If you feel like your spouse isn’t seeing an important part of you, then it’s time to walk in each other’s shoes. Learning how to see all sides of your spouse will mean a great deal to your relationship! How can you encourage your spouse to be more empathetic? Today, we are sharing tips that have proven helpful for couples who are trying to encourage their spouse to become more empathetic. 1. Share Your Highs and…

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Four Tips to Alleviate Chore Wars

By Communication, Conflict, Marriage, Relationships No Comments

Chores tend to be a frequent and hot source of arguments in relationships. Why? Because chores are there – day in and day out. For many of us, chores aren’t on the top of our to-do list, which makes arguing about household duties an easy thing to do. Couples enter marriage with unconscious expectations, the key is to communicate these expectations and determine together who does what. As your lives grow and get more complicated (children, career shifts, etc.) the household responsibilities become more complicated as well. Chores will never disappear, but your disagreements about them can. Here are four…

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How to Cope with a Backstabber

By Conflict, Relationships 7 Comments

“Loyalty means nothing unless it has at its heart the absolute principle of self-sacrifice.” Woodrow Wilson Being victim to backstabbing is downright painful. Backstabbers put on fronts that appear accommodating, loyal and even sacrificial. Then, without warning they strike. There’s many reasons why backstabbers act as they do. They’re selfish, have a lack of self-esteem and a sense of powerlessness. They’re also likely hiding feelings of inadequacy and feel resentful of what you have that they don’t. Whatever the cause, there’s no good or right reason to be a backstabber. Sometimes, having a backstabber in your life is unavoidable. You…

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How to Prioritize Time for Your Marriage

By Marriage, Time 2 Comments

One of the biggest misbeliefs of time is that you can “find” it. We talk about time as if it’s hidden in the rubble of our attic, or high up on a shelf waiting to be dusted off. Truth is, we will never find time, but we can certainly make it. We can make time when we decide what matters to us most is a priority. Saying something is a priority and actually making it a priority are two very different things. You may say that your marriage comes first, but that doesn’t matter if you devote your time to…

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5 Steps For Mending Broken Friendships

By Conflict, Relationships 19 Comments

When friendships fall apart, it can feel like it’s impossible to pick up the pieces and fit them back together. Some broken friendships are destined to stay that way. However, when you have a special intimate friendship that brought meaning to your life, a renewal is important. Restored relationships give us perspective on our experiences, and deepen our lives. Not all friendship fissures are fatal. If you have a long lost friendship you’d like to rekindle, chances are you’ll be able to make a meaningful reconnection. Today, we are discussing a five step plan that will help you determine whether…

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