
happy marriage Archives - SYMBIS Assessment

5 Ways to Give Your Spouse the Best Version of You

5 Ways to Give Your Spouse the Best Version of You

By Marriage, Self Reflection 2 Comments

When we’re dating, we give the best of ourselves to our partner. We’re getting to know one another, falling in love, and we want to make a good impression. Focusing completely on one another and the future we’re building makes us feel happy and fulfilled. After we marry, though, we sometimes find ourselves giving less than our best to our spouse. Life gets hectic, and there are so many obligations to fulfill. Oftentimes, it happens before we realize it. Whatever the case, it’s crucial to find ways to start giving your spouse the best version of yourself again. You can’t…

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One Important Thing Healthy Married Couples Seek

By Marriage 3 Comments

In healthy marriages, there’s one important thing that spouses consistently seek. This perspective positively impacts the tone of every interaction in their relationship. When a couple pursues this in their marriage, it can make a tremendous difference in their dynamic over the years. So what are these healthy couples doing to help keep their marriages happy and harmonious? They’re consistently looking for the good in one another. Look for the Good in One Another Couples who want to develop a healthier, more positive relationship put effort into seeking one another’s good qualities. Looking for the best qualities in your spouse…

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The Benefits of Adventure in Your Relationship

By Marriage, Recreation, Time 8 Comments

“The pleasure which we most rarely experience gives us greatest delight” – Epictetus Most couples tend to play it safe when it comes to adventure and trying new things. Life is going along ok and you are making it, you’ve found an easy groove in life and love – so why change it? Eventually, if you’re not mindful about the groove you are in, it will become a rut. You can’t cross the sea by staring at the water. Adventure requires that you jump into the experience. Dopamine in the brain is essential to happiness. As we age we lose…

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Cultivating a Happy Marriage: What’s the Secret?

By Communication 17 Comments

What do you picture when you imagine a happy marriage? Some people think of financial security, a nice house, physical beauty, good health, high-profile careers, a thriving social life, or societal status. Others picture a quiet life, surrounded by comfort, children, and extended family. In reality, a couple’s wellbeing has little to do with material wealth or external circumstances. While these things can lend themselves to a happy life, the real key to happiness in marriage is adopting and maintaining a good attitude together. Because life can turn on a dime, we can’t rely on externals to keep us happy….

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Sexual Frequency in Marriage: 3 Common Questions

By Communication, Time 30 Comments

At some point in every couple’s marriage—often in the early years—the question of sexual frequency comes up. They might find themselves wondering how often they “should” be having sex, how to agree on frequency, or whether they’re normal. Today, we’re tackling three common questions about sexual frequency, and what you and your spouse can do to ensure the highest level of satisfaction and fulfillment for your marriage. My spouse and I have very different sexual needs. How do we get on the same page? Finding a healthy compromise between two different sex drives is a delicate, difficult subject for many…

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It’s Not Me, It’s You: Why Criticism Poisons Happy Marriages

By Communication, Conflict 240 Comments

“People tend to criticize their spouse most loudly in the area where they themselves have the deepest emotional need.” – Gary Chapman Criticism is an insidious behavior that comes into our marriage and eats at the core of our identity. Few things will shut down intimacy quite like being criticized or controlled, and it is capable of immobilizing your emotional health and personal growth, especially within your relationship. Nobody enjoys being criticized or picked apart, but it’s especially painful when your spouse–your soul mate–is the one being critical and hurtful to you. It’s demoralizing to be treated this way when…

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21 Ways to Love the Person You Married

By Communication 16 Comments

“Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.” – Tom Mullen It’s easy to fall in love and to marry the person you’ve fallen for; it’s a much bigger endeavor to nurture that love for a lifetime. The good news is, it can definitely be done! We’ve created a list of 21 ways to love the one you married. Put even a few of these into motion, and you’ll see your relationship continue to blossom and thrive over the years together. Let’s jump in! 1. Offer your undivided…

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