Summertime Love: It’s Time to Reignite Your Intimacy

Summertime Love: It’s Time to Reignite Your Intimacy

Summer is a great time to rekindle your romance and reignite your intimacy! It’s a season of fun and adventure, when many couples reconnect through shared time together. There are no rules for how to create special new memories; just focus on spending time with one another and the love you have for each other.

There are so many ways to bring intimacy back to the forefront of your marriage. Today, we’ve gathered some of our best tips for deepening intimacy and truly enriching your relationship. Let’s jump right into it.

Start Dating Each Other Again

Summer is the perfect opportunity to start dating one another again. Because there are so many fantastic date options when the weather is warm, there will be plenty of shared activities to choose from. Whether you want to attend a concert in the park or go out for ice cream at your favorite college haunt, there are more than enough adventures to go on together. Read more tips in our article, Why It’s Time To Start Dating Your Spouse Again.

Nurture Emotional Intimacy

Emotional intimacy is an important step toward rekindling physical intimacy, especially if you’ve been feeling distant from your spouse for a while. When you have true emotional intimacy in your relationship, you feel that you know each other at the deepest possible level. There’s a beautiful sense of mutual understanding you simply don’t have with anyone else. If you’re craving a deeper emotional connection with your spouse, you can find some ways to nurture that in our post, Help! We Want More Emotional Intimacy In Our Marriage.

Check in With Your Emotional Safety

A crucial part of intimacy in marriage is emotional safety. If there have been long standing hurts in your relationship, or if you’ve been feeling like roommates, then you need to check in with your emotional safety. How are you both feeling about spending time together? How can you help each other feel safe enough to be vulnerable? We break down the importance of emotional safety in Emotional Safety In Marriage: Why Does It Matter?.

Spend More Time in the Bedroom

If possible, spend more time in the bedroom with your spouse. It’s true that your sex life will ebb and flow with the seasons, so if you’re able, focus on intentionally incorporating more physical intimacy this summer. Creating more intimacy in your marriage can be fun and lighthearted, so don’t take this part too seriously. We cover some tips for making that happen in 3 Ways To Reignite Your Sex Life For More Intimacy And Fun.

Get Some Rest Together

The summer season isn’t just time for nonstop activity. It’s also a great time to catch up on rest. Maybe you’re coming out of a particularly busy time in your life. You might just need to reconnect with intimacy through rest. Take long naps together. Go for a leisurely walk. Sit together and catch up on your favorite TV shows. Whatever you decide, making rest a priority can help you approach your intimacy with a fresh perspective. Read more in Why Every Couple Should Take Time To Rest.

Get to Know One Another All Over Again

Spend some time getting to know each other on a deeper level with a relationship assessment like SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts). If you’ve drifted a bit in recent years and want to get closer this summer, an assessment can help you do just that. SYMBIS will help you dig deep into your personalities, talk styles, fight types, deepest longings, and so much more. Take the assessment for just $35 here.

What are your plans for this summer? Do you and your spouse plan to spend more time together? Let us know in the comments!

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