The New Year is a great time to revisit personal and relationship goals and objectives. How did last year go for you and your spouse? Did you achieve shared goals together, or are you still working towards something important?
Are the two of you starting the year on a high note, or hoping to heal or repair your relationship?
Whatever the season looks like for you, we’ve gathered some of our strongest resources on how to best use this brand new year for a fresh start. Let’s jump in.
Conduct a year in review together.
Looking back on the previous year can help you and your spouse really drill down your wins and losses. What goals did you meet that you’ve been working toward? What goals did you fall short of?
It’s great to spend some time thinking, journaling, and talking about all of your most impactful experiences. Consider significant experiences and goals you’ve achieved over the past 12 months as you head into the new year. This can help give you a fresh perspective on where you are versus where you wanted to be, and what goals to work toward together in the new year.
Want to know more about conducting a year in review with your spouse? Read more in our article, Reflecting Together: Why Your Marriage Needs a Year in Review.
Clear the board and start new.
Many people look at the new year as an opportunity for a fresh start. “New Year, new you” is a common theme that many people use as a springboard to make changes in their lives. What about you and your spouse?
Are there things from the past that you can let go of as you move into this new year? Can the two of you work together to put conflicts to rest? Is it possible to give yourselves a clean slate?
Take time to determine how both of you can move into the coming year in a healthier way. You can find some great ideas in 6 Ways to Start the New Year Fresh With Your Spouse and How to Give Your Marriage A Fresh Start in the New Year.
Take time to build your vision for the coming year – together.
A common term for in-depth, intentional goal setting is vision casting. As the two of you cast your vision for the next twelve months, you’re creating your vision for the year as a whole. You’re looking at a 30,000-foot view of what you would like these months to look like.
Now, how will you work together to make that vision a reality? Don’t be afraid to get specific about what you would like to see happen. For more ideas, take a look at How to Build Your New Year’s Vision Together.
The New Year is the perfect time to get healthier – but maybe not like you think!
Many individuals set a New Year’s resolution to improve their physical health. But what about your psychological, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing? Our book, Healthy Me, Healthy Us, focuses on the latter aspects of good health – because your relationships are only as healthy as you are. Check it out and get your copy here.
Do you and your spouse create goals or New Year’s resolutions together? Why or why not? Share your experiences with us in the comments.