Living Separate Lives: When Spouses Disconnect

By October 14, 2016February 23rd, 2018Communication, Conflict

My wife and I live separate lives, but God hates divorce. Does God want us to be miserable?

If you’re experiencing a dry season in your marriage, take heart–every marriage goes through difficult seasons. Every relationship experiences ebbs and flows in intimacy, and no married couple is going to feel emotionally connected all the time. But right now, it sounds like you feel entrenched, unsatisfied and empty.

If you and your spouse have grown overly independent, your marriage may have begun to feel boring and unfulfilling. Maybe you’re still committed, even though that commitment may have been tested. And perhaps you still have physical chemistry and passion. But if there’s no emotional intimacy, it’s time to revive your relationship.

There’s hope for your marriage even though you’re going through this tough time. Your relationship isn’t dead–in fact, there are some simple things you can do consistently to bring about big changes. In today’s video, we’re discussing some things you and your spouse can do to bring back the spark.

You can work together to cultivate the intimacy your marriage needs to feel exciting and vibrant again. When you’re not invested in your spouse, he/she can become boring. If you’re feeling distant, try revisiting things you have in common, or show renewed interest in things your spouse enjoys.

You can improve your relationship by making small, but consistent, changes. Start taking a daily walk together. Share your dreams and plan your goals for the year. Laugh together, touch often, be playful and show affection to one another. In time, your marriage will change for the better, and you’ll be so glad you put in the extra effort.

Have you and your spouse experienced a dry season in your marriage? How did you overcome it? Let us know in the comments!

One Comment

  • Frustrated in DeSoto says:

    Our dry spell has been going on now since his daughter passsed away eleven years ago now. Our dry spell is both physical and emotional, and I’ve stayed because of the commitment I made to him before God. I have tried at times to resurrect our relationship but to no avail. I am on disability and know I wouldn’t survive very long financially on my own, but is this all there is???

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