
resentment Archives - SYMBIS Assessment

I Resent My Spouse. How Do I Overcome It?

By Conflict 3 Comments

Resentment damages marriages. It can take time for resentment to build in a relationship. Often, you don’t know it’s happening until it has already taken root. By then, those resentful feelings have invaded many areas of your marriage. Resentment comes from longstanding anger and feelings of disappointment in aspects of your relationship. When you feel upset at your spouse on a regular basis but feel that you can’t do anything to alleviate the problem, you begin to internalize that anger. Eventually, it morphs into resentment. Later, it could transform into contempt toward your partner. There are many reasons why you…

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3 Signs Your Marriage Needs Help Right Now

By Marriage, Self Reflection One Comment

Is your marriage in trouble? There are a myriad of ways you can tell whether or not your marriage has crossed over into a danger zone. Those danger signs vary from one relationship to the next, and they manifest for different reasons. While it’s up to you and your spouse to determine exactly what is breaking down in your marriage, there are some basic signs and symptoms you can identify to help you discern whether your marriage needs help. If you’re wondering whether your relationship is in danger, then read on. In this post, we’ve gathered three common red flags…

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Dealing With Resentment in Your Marriage

By Communication, Conflict 128 Comments

One of the most difficult issues to face in your marriage is the realization that one of you resents the other. This can be a devastating revelation, but it doesn’t mean you can’t overcome these intimacy-killing emotions. Resentment tends to arise in marriage when one spouse is either knowingly or unknowingly taking advantage of the other–or taking the other for granted. Habitual poor behaviors or unhealthy patterns feed resentment. Some common issues that cause resentment between spouses include: Habitual selfish behaviors Being “married” to a job Favoring one of your children over the other(s) Spending too much time with one…

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