
couples Archives - SYMBIS Assessment

How Better Awareness Builds a Better Marriage

By Marriage, Relationships One Comment

As a professional who counsels couples, you have likely seen the positive effects self-awareness has on relationships. You also understand the pitfalls of couples who are unaware of how they relate to each other, and how they operate as individuals. Often, spouses who are wounded will perpetuate a cycle of hurt, seemingly unable to take an objective view of the situation. For engaged and married couples, becoming more self-aware leads to a better relationship outcome. That’s because self-awareness cultivates deeper empathy. Let’s dig a little deeper into why this is so important. Marriage Assessments Cultivate Self-Awareness Self-awareness gives couples the…

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7 Tips for Stress-Free Wedding Planning

By Marriage, Relationships No Comments

Wedding planning can be an incredibly stressful season in a couple’s life. From dresses and decor to entertainment and catering, there are many facets of your upcoming big day that must be put in place months ahead of time. If you’re looking to reduce wedding-related stress so you can actually enjoy your engagement, we’ve got you covered. Let’s look at a few ways you can dial down the drama in the days leading up to your wedding. 1. Pick your battles carefully When it comes to wedding planning, there are many moving parts–and many opportunities for conflict. Even though it…

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Charting Your Course as a Couple

By Communication One Comment

We’ve all heard jokes about people who never want to stop and ask for directions – they think they can find their way without help. But when it comes to your future as a couple, stopping to discuss your direction together is an essential ingredient needed to get on the same track. It takes a lot of strategic thought to determine who you are and where are you headed as a couple, not as individuals. Slowing down to figure this out is imperative. Charting your course in twelve month increments is a key approach to maintaining a healthy relationship. Additionally,…

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How to Build Friendships with Other Couples

By Communication, Marriage, Time 2 Comments

When it comes down to it, friendships are built off of having things in common. Whether it’s the same sense of humor, having shared interests, or going through similar life experiences, these are all things that can bring you closer together. This can come somewhat naturally when you are connecting with just one other person. However, when you are building a friendship with another couple this can get complex. You now have four personalities to mesh, rather than just two. Not to mention the pace of life we all live is so complex and can be dramatically different from couple…

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