
counseling Archives - SYMBIS Assessment

My Spouse Is Afraid To Get Counseling. What Now?

By Marriage, Self Reflection One Comment

If your spouse won’t go to counseling with you, what can you do? Let’s say you and your spouse have been going through a difficult time. Maybe you’re dealing with some differences or problems that have been hard to overcome. You think that seeing a licensed counselor would benefit both of you (and your marriage), but your spouse is either afraid to go, or refuses altogether. First, remember that you can’t make your spouse seek help. You can encourage it, but ultimately, going to see a therapist or counselor is their choice. Even if you wholeheartedly believe that a counselor…

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My Spouse Is Refusing Professional Help! What Can I Do?

By Communication 25 Comments

We all go through times in our lives and our marriages when we’d benefit greatly from getting professional help. Whether we’re having trouble dealing with a life change or transition, experience depression, or facing addiction, there are hundreds of scenarios that could warrant going into counseling with your spouse. But what happens if you recognize the need to get help…but your spouse doesn’t? Is there anything you can do? You can’t force someone to seek therapy, but you can encourage it—and you can make changes to yourself that result in positive changes for your spouse. Read on for four common…

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