5 Reasons You Need Daily Prayer in Your Marriage

Do you and your spouse pray together? Want to get started in a new daily routine for the new year? We’ve compiled a list of important reasons why you and your spouse should be incorporating daily prayer into your marriage, right now.

Want to know more? Read on.

1. Prayer connects us on a spiritual level.

Praying together is a great way for you and your spouse to connect on a spiritual level. Communicating about prayer and deciding where you want to focus your prayers is also a way the two of you can work to prioritize the issues you’re most concerned about solving.

Marriage is about our multifaceted connection to one another. Being connected on a physical and emotional level is a wonderful part of marriage. But adding that spiritual component, if you haven’t already, takes your relationship to an entirely new level.

2. Prayer helps us to practice gratitude.

When we pray, we’re more likely to focus on what we’re thankful for. Thanking God for our blessings helps us to focus on all the good things we have in life. Gratitude can make us happier and healthier, so it’s a practice we should all be incorporating into our daily lives, as well as our prayer routines.

Couples that practice gratitude can also work together to cultivate contentment in their everyday lives. Gratitude helps to combat the very human urge to “keep up with the Joneses”, and instead gives us the tools we need to recognize what we have and be grateful for it.

3. Prayer gives us hope in difficult times.

When times are hard, going to God in prayer can help give us hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Life can be difficult, and sometimes, it’s hard to see the end of a tough situation. Prayer sustains us and gets us through those uncertain times, helping us to cultivate faith that everything will work together for good.

4. Prayer helps us recognize and release what we can’t control.

Daily prayer helps us to recognize and release the things in our lives that we can’t control. Releasing what we can’t control, in turn, helps us to focus on the things that we can improve and take charge of. All of us humans struggle with the desire to understand what’s going on around us and predict what will happen next. But life doesn’t work that way.

Trusting God with our lives, even when we crave knowing what comes next, helps us surrender to a power greater than ourselves. Praying together keeps this truth in perspective, and allows us to help one another trust that God has our best interest at heart.

5. Prayer cultivates peace.

Prayer helps us cultivate peace like nothing else. Putting our faith and trust in God–together–can lead us to an inner calm that sustains us through good times and bad. If you and your spouse want to bring more peace into your lives–in your marriage and in your own hearts as individuals–then praying together every day is an absolute must.
Need help creating your daily prayer routine?

To get started praying together every day, creating a routine is critical. Journaling, reading scripture, or following along in a daily devotional are all great options for starting your prayer journey together.

If you’d like a long-term roadmap to more prayer as a couple, take a look at our One Year Love Talk Devotional. It contains 365 days’ worth of wisdom and insights for applying biblical principles to your marriage. Each day, its daily readings focus on God’s love for us, and how to love each other better. Check it out here.

Do you and your spouse have a daily prayer routine? Why or why not? What works for you? Let us know in the comments.


  • James Waskovsky says:

    Statistically the divorce rate for those couples who hold hands joining in prayer is 1:10,000.

  • A P says:

    My husband and I started praying together every evening before going to bed for the last 4-5 weeks. The routine began when we felt the conviction to foster.Our physical, emotional and mental connection has improved significantly because of our willingness to strengthen our spiritual connection.

  • C.S. says:

    I find this challenging, because my husband doesn’t attend church and generally believes in God, but isn’t really religious. I say grace every night at dinnertime, but feel a little awkward initiating praying with him outside of that.

    • Lashona says:

      Thanks for sharing that. After reading this article and seeing the benefits of consistent prayer with your spouse, would you like to initiate prayer in your marriage more consistently?

    • K.taylor says:

      I know how you feel. Its hard when your spouse is a nominal christian for years and no interest to go further/deeper! I have that with my hubby, but it has gotten better over 30 years. I want to give you hope to hold onto.
      We were “just pray at meals” too in beginning.
      We are now praying at bedtime together.
      I had to initiate it at first, but now he offers alot….either praying himself, or he will add something at the end of my prayer.
      I also initiated to pray as we embarked on a trip somewhere. If i forget, he tells me!
      Maybe your spouse needs to see/hear you do it first, before he will take the steps.
      I’ve had to be kinda the spiritual leader all our married life….but i see hope!
      He hates reading and listening to bible on cd cuz it was “boring” , but guess who is doing a daily audio & reading a chapter of bible a day?! It was my “Christmas Miracle” (imagine happy dance) Our pastor challenged our church to do a reading program on a bible app for the year, together.

      Keep praying for your spouse that God will shake the complacency off, & would breathe life onto your spouse as they hear/read Bible. Gods Word doesnt fall to the ground to fail! Ask God to prepare the soil of their heart to receive His Word on healthy, fertile soil & bear much fruit!
      Your prayers for your spouse is most powerful & effective because you are one flesh!!! Dont give up hope!

      Hope that helps!

  • Terry Ezell says:

    My wife won’t pray with me. She says she prays on her own and her prayers are private. This has been part adjustment and part frustration as I covet a daily prayer partner and have some expectation of that from my life partner.

    • D. B. says:

      How about asking if she is willing to do both – have her own prayer session and also do one together? Tell her she can listen to you pray aloud – she doesn’t have to pray aloud at the joint session. If she is willing to do that for awhile then perhaps she can become comfortable praying together. Don’t forget that your are the male – you need to lead her to the destination. She may need to see you lead before she gains comfort.

    • Cheryl Snead says:

      My husband prayed over me while I slept. I remember waking up and hearing him reading/praying Proverbs 31 over me. Who I am today is a result of those prayers. He started them out in secret on his own and now we pray together and we pray for other couples! #startsmall #stayinfaith

  • Lady Smith says:

    A lot of our family and friends asked why did we do this and do pre marriage counseling before getting married. I shared with them we wanted to learn how to argue fair and not carry grudges. I was always told never to go to bed angry. It’s hard and I will not lie and say it has never happened, because it has, but it weighed on my spirit the next morning. We talked about most things that struggling couples struggle with during our class and this test really was an eye opener. We laid everything out on the table and respected each other response. I think the class and the Symbis test really helped us understand and relate to each other more. I recommend this to every couple that is planning on getting married. Yes! all marriages will have their up’s and down’s but give each other a break and take a time out and come back and finish the discussion.

  • Michelle Walter says:

    I cannot express enough how praying with my husband daily (for us as we lay in bed at night) has changed our marriage. We have been trying to reconcile since
    my husband confessed to 4 affairs 2 years ago. I know without a doubt that God has been at the center of our reconsiliation through our prayer time!! Don’t wait another day to start this beautiful part of your marriage!

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