
trust Archives - SYMBIS Assessment

Should I Tell My Spouse Every Time Someone Flirts With Me?

By Marriage 5 Comments

Everyone encounters unwanted flirtation from time to time, whether married or single. Some of us may find it dismaying when, as a married person, we receive that kind of attention from another individual. Having someone flirt with you can be particularly upsetting when it’s someone you know, such as a coworker or friend. So, should you tell your spouse every time someone flirts with you? The answer really depends on the situation. Let’s talk about it. Take Stock of Your Spouse First Before you decide how to handle a situation that involves unwanted flirtation, consider how your spouse may respond…

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Help! My Spouse Cheated On Me. That Means They’ll Do It Again, Right?

By Marriage, Self Reflection 4 Comments

If your spouse has cheated on you, then you’ve likely heard the phrase, “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” But is that sentiment always true? You may be surrounded by people who have your best interests at heart, feel hurt by what your spouse has done, and want to help protect you from future repetition of the same harm. And while there may be merit to the statement–and in some situations, there is–it’s important to look at your individual circumstances objectively first. Affairs are incredibly painful situations that cause deep pain and damage to marriages. The ability to recover from…

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Does Keeping Secrets Make A Marriage Unhealthy?

By Communication, Conflict 8 Comments

Does keeping secrets in marriage make it inherently unhealthy? Over our years of marriage, and our years counseling married and engaged couples, we’ve found the answer to be both nuanced and subjective. The truth is, the idea that a couple should never keep secrets sounds and feels good at the surface level–but can a marriage really handle an overflow of transparency at all times? Many of us grew up believing that there are no secrets in a healthy marriage. We come to believe that spouses should tell one another everything, no matter what–hiding no details and laying everything out in…

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4 Ways to Help Your Spouse Trust You Again

By Conflict, Marriage 2 Comments

Have you ever damaged or broken your spouse’s trust in you? Earning that trust back takes hard work and patience on both your parts. The good news is, in many situations, it’s possible to earn their trust again. First, you’re probably already aware that your actions have had a grievous impact on your spouse and their sense of wellbeing. Second, we understand that it’s painful to learn you’ve hurt the person you love most. This may be one of the most painful situations you ever walk through together. Easing back into a trusting relationship with your spouse takes commitment, time,…

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Broken Trust? Here’s How to Rebuild.

By Communication, Conflict, In-laws & Family 17 Comments

When trust has been damaged or destroyed in a marriage, the rebuilding process takes a huge amount of patience, skill, and–above all–time. After your very foundation has been shaken, restoring trust in your marriage is literally a relationship makeover. You and your spouse must work together over time to rebuild the trust you lost, and both of you have a lot of work to do to get there. But with determination and an absolute commitment to restoration, your marriage can be healthy again. You might not realize it now, but if you’ve been betrayed by your spouse, you can begin…

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Ground Rules for Restoring Broken Trust

Ground Rules for Restoring Broken Trust

By Communication, Conflict, In-laws & Family, Scripture, Self Reflection 97 Comments

When trust has been damaged or destroyed in a marriage, the rebuilding process takes a huge amount of patience, skill, and–above all–time. After your very foundation has been shaken, restoring trust in your marriage is literally a relationship makeover. You and your spouse must work together over time to rebuild the trust you lost, and both of you have a lot of work to do to get there. But with determination and an absolute commitment to restoration, your marriage can be healthy again. You might not realize it now, but if you’ve been betrayed by your spouse, you can begin…

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