
lies Archives - SYMBIS Assessment

How to Confront a Dishonest Spouse

By Conflict 3 Comments

Have you ever caught your spouse in a lie? If you did, would you know how to confront them? If you’ve ever experienced this gut-wrenching scenario, you know how devastating it feels. Accepting that your spouse has been dishonest is one of the hardest things to do. Deciding how and when to confront them is equally daunting, because now your entire perception of your spouse is in question. What else have they lied about? How long have they been lying? Is this about just one issue, and if so, can we rebuild from here? If your spouse has lied to…

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Two Lies That Sabotage Relationships

By Self Reflection 7 Comments

Being in a relationship and part of a community helps you discover who you are. While relationships are the path to discovering yourself, they don’t promise the development of a complete self. If you haven’t achieved a solid sense of who you are on your own, then you are likely on a path to believe one of two lies that are guaranteed to sabotage any relationship: 1) I need this person to be complete, and 2) If this person needs me, I’ll be complete. There are no shortcuts to personal growth and wholeness. If you try to complete yourself through…

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